caliber wars

Can We Stop Arguing About Concealed vs. Open Carry?

Other than maybe the perpetual caliber wars, one of the most dependable points of argument amongst The People of the Gun: the concealed carry vs. open carry…well, “debate” doesn’t really cover it. It’s almost like…

Eating Our Own: The Fine (Not So) Young Cannibals of the Gun Industry

In the gun industry, we eat our own… (Kat Ainsworth for TTAG) Whether through articles or posts on social media the gun industry has an unfortunate tendency to readily and joyously eat its own. Toss…

Caliber Comparison: 9mm vs. .38 Special

When we look at different cartridges there is often a focus on the disembodied numbers that describe them. All too often there’s a mental disconnect between the numbers and reality, and in many cases the…