New Wave of Oppression Begins for Gun Owners in New Year

While they are often billed as “common sense” and “public safety,” the gun laws passed by our government rarely achieve either. In fact, more often than not, they are merely another step toward oppressive governmental…

To All the Hunting Haters and Anti-Gunners Who Write To Me – Drop Dead

“I hope your dogs eat your face.” “You deserve to be raped. I want to be the one to do it.” “I’m going to hunt your family like you hunted that deer.” These gems and…

Random Thoughts on All the Hunting and Gun Haters Out There Who Wish Me Dead

“I hope your dogs eat your face.” “You deserve to be raped. I want to be the one to do it.” “I’m going to hunt your family like you hunted that deer.” These and other…

Eating Our Own: The Fine (Not So) Young Cannibals of the Gun Industry

In the gun industry, we eat our own… (Kat Ainsworth for TTAG) Whether through articles or posts on social media the gun industry has an unfortunate tendency to readily and joyously eat its own. Toss…