California gun control

California Forced to Re-Open ‘Assault Weapon’ Registration System Beginning January 13, 2022

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The California Department of Justice has announced the dates when it will re-open registration of so-called “assault weapons” required by a federal court as a result of…

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California and Indianapolis Shootings Show the Failure of America’s Gun Control Laws

Democrats and President BidenHarris have been pushing hard for the expansion of gun control laws in America as part of their “cure” for what they claim is an epidemic of “gun violence” in this country….

Shootout Between California Home Owner and Attacker Caught on Video

Courtesy An early morning home invasion attempt was stopped by an armed homeowner early Monday morning in Hesperia, California. And this one was caught on video by the homeowner’s door cam. From ….

SAF: Ninth Circuit Striking Down California’s Large Capacity Ban is a Victory for All Gun Owners

Bigstock From the Second Amendment Foundation The Second Amendment Foundation today is hailing a ruling by a three-judge panel in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that held California’s ban on so-called “large-capacity magazines” (LCMs)…

California Wants to Add More ‘Assault Weapons’ to List of Banned Firearms

Courtesy Franklin Armory Section 40 of California Assembly Bill 88 is expanding the definition of what constitutes an “assault weapon” to include more firearms. Because of course they are. The notable additions are: (9) A…

This Week In Gun Rights: Pennsylvania, New York, California, Louisiana, The Second Circuit, the ATF, and More! [VIDEO]

Bigstock   This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights…

Appeals Court Reinstates California Bullet Control Scheme

A U.S. District Court on Thursday put a crimp in California’s draconian bullet control law. By Friday night, a federal appeals court turned enforcement of the law back on. (Photo: Chris Eger/ Respite for gun…