Concealed Carry

Why Does an Armed Citizen Stopping a Mass Shooter Upset So Many People?

What happened yesterday at the Greenwood Park Mall in suburban Indianapolis was every gun control advocate’s worst nightmare. No, we’re not talking about the obvious horror of a crazed wacko walking into a mall with…

FPC: Continuing to Obstruct the People’s Second Amendment Rights is No Longer an Option

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Quoting the plurality opinion from McDonald v. Chicago, the Supreme Court held in Bruen that “[t]he constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not…

Blue Resistance: CA AG Tells Authorities to Use the ‘Good Moral Charachter’ Ruse to Deny Carry Permits

“The problem with the good moral character policy that the attorney general seems to be encouraging is that it’s completely subjective and would allow a city to evaluate an applicant based on their politics, not…

Yablon: New York’s Anti-Gun Culture May Keep it from Becoming Texas on the Hudson

Ultimately, the research suggests that neither pro-gun advocates who champion “good guys with guns” as the solution to crime nor anti-gun liberals who fear more concealed carriers will whip out their Glocks really have an…

Bruen’s Aftermath: The Shall Issue Way Forward as the Blue States Strike Back

By Peter B. Elias and Theresa Inacker The Supreme Court of the United States recently released some landmark rulings in its just-concluded session. For those of us who live in states that systematically violate the…

As Violent Crime and Response Times Soar in Washington, So Does Concealed Carry Permit Demand

From CCRKBA Amid rising violent crime, Washington has reported a stunning number of active Concealed Pistol Licenses issued in a single month; proving that extremist gun control efforts in the Evergreen State have failed miserably…

As Expected, ‘May-Issue’ States Are Going to Have to be Forced Into Compliance With the Supreme Court’s Bruen Ruling

As nearly ideal as the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision was, no one thought the states that exercise maximum control over who can fully exercise their Second Amendment rights — and who can’t — would go quietly….

Vespa: Even Californians Are Going to Have to Get Used to More Black People Carrying Guns

The Left still doesn’t get that the Second Amendment is for everyone. This [LA Times Op-Ed] proves it. Whatever the reason, you have a right to bear arms. Whatever the reason. And yes, while the…

SAF, FPC File for Injunction to Stop City of New York from Enforcing its Unconstitutional ‘Proper Cause’ Carry Permit Requirement

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . Based on the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court striking down New York State’s unconstitutional “good cause” requirement for concealed carry permit applicants, the Second Amendment Foundation…