shall issue concealed carry

Judge Robert L. Miller: It’s an Insult to the Founders to Assume They Didn’t Expect Gun Control in Future Generations

Several judges have expressed concern about the effects of the Supreme Court’s [Bruen] decision. In Indiana, Judge Robert L. Miller wrote in one opinion issued in a gun case that he had “an earnest hope”…

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Bruen’s Aftermath: The Shall Issue Way Forward as the Blue States Strike Back

By Peter B. Elias and Theresa Inacker The Supreme Court of the United States recently released some landmark rulings in its just-concluded session. For those of us who live in states that systematically violate the…

Oops: Bloomberg News Anti-Gun Editorial Makes the Case for ‘Shall Issue’ Carry Permits

By Larry Keane A nationally syndicated editorial attempted to persuade readers on the merits of New York’s problematic “may issue” handgun permit law and why the U.S. Supreme Court should leave it intact. But they…

America’s Great Expansion of Firearm Carry Rights: How We Got Here

Police officers gather outside Luby’s Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas, at the scene where a gunman killed 23 people including himself. (AP Photo/Rick McFarland, File) I recently had a discussion with a well-educated friend. She’s articulate,…