
Migrant Arrests For Multi-State Gun And Drug Running Operations 

Immigration officials have had their work cut out for them, aggressively pursuing and deporting violent illegal immigrants since President Donald Trump’s inauguration. They have not been alone, however, as it has been an all-hands-on-deck effort…

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PRIORITIES: Canada’s Trudeau Will Spend Twice As Much Money Disarming the Law-Abiding As Fighting Violent Gangs

Oh, Canada. So starts the Canadian national anthem. It also sums up exasperation at some of the crazy policies of our neighbors to the north. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to spend twice as…

You Don’t Say: Government Study Finds Gang Members With Previous Arrests Commit Most Gun Crimes in Washington, DC

We know that the sun rises in the east and water is wet. Somehow we discovered these facts without the benefit of expensive government-funded studies. The latest revelation: gang members, not guns, commit most of…

One More Time: It’s Not ‘Gun Violence’ It’s Gang Violence

Every time you hear a politician or a media personality mention “gun violence,” you should mentally translate that phrase to “gang violence.” Not only that, but ask yourself if that politician or media outlet has…

Rolling Gun Battles Now All the New Rage in Chicago [VIDEO]

Modern day gangsters in Chicago have graduated from carjackings and drive-by shootings to something new and exciting:  the rolling gun battle. In scenes that look like fifth-grade productions of Hollywood shoot-em-up scenes, carloads of gang…

LOSE YOUR RECORDS, LOSE YOUR RIGHTS: Illinois Legislature Passes FOID Bill With the Help of ISRA

The NRA’s state affiliate in the Land of Lincoln helped negotiate a new bill to modernize the state’s much-hated Firearm Owner Identification Card Act.  The Illinois State Rifle Association then went neutral on the new…