Gun Control

NICS Gun Data Sales up 137% Last Month, Highest June in History

Background check data suggests Americans are more fond of their right to keep and bear arms than ever. (Photo: Continuing to set new monthly records, last month was the highest June in terms of…

Unified New Jersey Gun Groups’ Letter to Gov. Murphy, AG Grewal and State Police Supt. Callahan

Re: Systemic infringements of Gun Rights in New Jersey New Jersey firearms owners are united in one voice as we request reform in how Police Departments and the New Jersey State Police handle and process…

Colt Now Shipping AR-15s to Consumers again

Colt first began marketing the semi-auto AR-15 Sporter to consumers in 1963 and it has continued to be a popular model for the company. After a brief break to fill military orders, they have resumed…

Washington D.C. Statehood is a Gun Control Issue

Up until 2008, Washington D.C. had a ban on personal handgun ownership, a prohibition only scrapped after the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional. (Photo: Anti-gun advocates are all-in when it comes to making…

The Supreme Court Fiddles While the Second Amendment Burns – Part 2

Bigstock [ED: This is the second in a three-part series. Click here to read Part 1] By John Velleco The first article in this three-part series recounted the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent, and deeply disappointing,…

Lawmakers: Defund Police? Then Unchain the Second Amendment

Republicans in the U.S. House want those who propose to cut back on police to keep in mind that that gun rights are often hamstrung as well. (Photo: Chris Eger/ Republicans on Capitol Hill have…

District of Columbia Sues Polymer80 For Selling ‘Ghost Gun’ Parts to DC Residents

Courtesy Polymer80 The District says citizens can’t build their own guns or possess firearms (they’ve built) without serial numbers. The attorney general of the District on Wednesday filed suit against one of the largest makers…