mayors against illegal guns

Director of ‘Bronx Rises Against Gun Violence,’ Caught With Illegal Guns, Sentenced To Prison

Why is it that so many anti-gun activists seek to strip the little people of their guns while they have their own guns, often illegally possessed? Is it a “do as I say, not as…

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St. Louis and Washington D.C. Demonstrate – Yet Again – That Gun Control Isn’t About Reducing Crime

With many prominent government officials exhibiting a flagrant indifference to violent crime, it’s getting harder for anti-gun politicians to pretend that their gun control schemes are anything other than a means to harass law-abiding gun…

Bloomberg Summons Anti-Gun Mayors to Plan Post-Bruen Next Steps to Limit Gun Rights

Democratic mayors from the largest cities aren’t going to stand idly by and allow the U.S. Supreme Court to reaffirm Americans’ Constitutionally-guaranteed rights. Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) is the gun control kitchen cabinet of billionaire Michael…

JUST LOVELY: Anti-Gun Rochester, NY Mayor Caught With Illegal Guns, Resigns in Plea Deal One Month Before Leaving Office Anyway

Rochester, New York Mayor Lovely Warren, a proud member of Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, took a plea deal in recent days. Her crimes? She possessed illegal guns and violated campaign finance…

JUST LOVELY: Anti-Gun Rochester, NY Mayor Caught With Illegal Guns, Resigns in Plea Deal Involving Both Guns and Campaign Finance Violations

Rochester, New York Mayor Lovely Warren, a proud member of Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, took a plea deal in recent days. Her crimes? She possessed illegal guns and violated campaign finance…

VIDEO: Philly’s Mayor Becomes Gun Salesman of the Week After (Another) Lawless Weekend

Leave it to the UK’s Daily Mail to report what the American mainstream media won’t. This weekend in Philadelphia, a lawless mob literally drove donuts around a police squad car and the cops did nothing….

Why Do Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns Continue to Embrace Extremist Violence?

A mostly peaceful rioter tosses a Molotov cocktail in Portland, Oregon. (AP Photo/Noah Berger) By Larry Keane Sorry, Mayors Against Illegal Guns. We didn’t know you were still here. Mea culpa. It’s just that no…

Washington D.C. Statehood is a Gun Control Issue

Up until 2008, Washington D.C. had a ban on personal handgun ownership, a prohibition only scrapped after the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional. (Photo: Anti-gun advocates are all-in when it comes to making…