gun rights

FAKE WOKENESS: Two New Junk Science ‘Studies’ Suggest Racism, Fears of Blacks Drive Opposition To Gun Control

Remember the RAND study that found only 123 of 27,900 gun control studies actually used the scientific method to come to their conclusions? Well, gun control advocates have trotted out two fresh, steaming new “studies”…

OkCupid Users Say Climate Change Skepticism – Not Gun Ownership – Is Their #1 Dealbreaker

Good news for gun-owning singles using dating apps to find their mates. Or a hookup.  Dating app OKCupid reports that a survey of their users shows gun ownership isn’t the biggest dealbreaker among prospective daters….

Indiana Lawmakers Put Constitutional Carry on Governor’s Desk; Approval Expected… Or Else

Yesterday, Indiana passed a Constitutional Carry bill that would allow anyone 18-years-old or older eligible to own a gun the right to carry one in public without any government licenses.  It passed overwhelmingly, putting Gov….

Priorities: Florida Senate Passes GOP Bill Naming Strawberry Shortcake the Official State Dessert While Constitutional Carry Goes Nowhere

State Senator Danny Burgess, chairman of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, introduced SB 1006, a crucial bill that would name strawberry shortcake as the official state dessert of Florida. Never mind that literally no one associates…

It’s Time for Florida’s Long Fight For Constitutional Carry to Come to an End

Florida advertises itself as one of the freest states in the union, as stated by Governor Ron DeSantis (R) on January 11 during his State of the State address to the legislature. In reality, Florida’s…

Did Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Just Call Out Anti-Gun Republicans in the State Legislature?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just delivered his State of the State address to a joint session of the legislature, something that’s traditionally done at the start of each legislative session. The session started today and…

David Hogg’s Confused: None of Our Rights Are Absolute

  Imagine a Harvard man who can’t seem to write three sentences without contradicting himself. If you’re thinking of inveterate attention whore called David Hogg, you win a cookie. The awardee of an undergraduate place…

Random Thoughts on All the Hunting and Gun Haters Out There Who Wish Me Dead

“I hope your dogs eat your face.” “You deserve to be raped. I want to be the one to do it.” “I’m going to hunt your family like you hunted that deer.” These and other…

To Gun Grabbers’ Horror, 2020 and 2021 Have Been the Perfect Storm of Arguments in Favor of Gun Rights

I’ve spent much of the past six months interviewing people across the United States in the leadup to the [New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen] case—part of research for a book I’m…