gun violence public health

Rigorous JAMA Analysis: Social Media, The Trace Show Bruen Will Result in at Least 152 Additional Gun Deaths In 6 Anti-Gun Jurisdictions

By Lee Williams The U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., v Bruen, which lifted restrictions on carrying defensive firearms and changed forever how lower courts must adjudicate Second…

JAMA: The CDC’s Science is the Solution to ‘Gun Violence’

By Thomas E. Gift, MD In the current Journal of the American Medical Association article with an accompanying editorial, various researchers express their happiness with the resumption of federal funding for the Center for Disease control to look…

That Feeling When an Intellectually Honest Gun Control Supporter Sees The Entire Picture

“We don’t want no mo’ police.” “No Justice, No Peace.” “Mostly Peaceful Protests.” “Gun Control is a crisis of Public Health.” Just to remind us: the same people are making all four points. Completely without…

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Dr. Anthony Fauci Looks for the Next Big Public Health Battle: Guns

Myself as a public health person, I think you can’t run away from [gun violence]. I mean when you see people getting killed, I mean, in this last month it’s just been horrifying what’s happened….