Personal Defense

Video Shows Warning Shots and Fatal Shooting That Minneapolis Prosecutors Ruled Was Justified

In February, a Minneapolis homeowner heard an intruder walking on her patio and trying her back door. After finding the gate to the yard locked the would be burglar had hopped the fence. The homeowner…

Self-Defense and the Law: How Well Can You Articulate?

Armed self-defense is legal everywhere in America. Even in New York. Even if you’re black, Latino, gay, transgendered, Muslim or maybe all of the above simultaneously. But no matter where it happens, the color of…

Safety Tip: How to Survive a Public Shooting Range Session

  By Nick Savery When I first started shooting I began at a public indoor range. I wasn’t a member of a club and I didn’t have any guns of my own to shoot. I…

Home Invader Shot After Breaking In Through 2-Year-Old’s Bedroom Window

What happens when you wake up to the sound of broken glass and find someone crawling into your apartment through a window? If you’re armed, you do what a Hermitage, Tennessee man did. Fifty-year-old Carlos…

Grand Jury: Kyle Carruth Won’t Be Charged in Shooting Death of Chad Read

The shooting death of Chad Read at the hands of his ex wife’s boyfriend, Kyle Carruth, last year was captured on video from a couple of angles and provoked much discussion. As we noted at…

Philadelphia Corner Store Robbery Duo No Match For CCW Holder Who Shoots One Dead

A good guy with a gun who was shopping in a Philadelphia corner store reacted as you’d expect to an armed duo who were waving a gun around threatening people as they tried to carry…