Personal Defense

Rolling Gun Battles Now All the New Rage in Chicago [VIDEO]

Modern day gangsters in Chicago have graduated from carjackings and drive-by shootings to something new and exciting:  the rolling gun battle. In scenes that look like fifth-grade productions of Hollywood shoot-em-up scenes, carloads of gang…

POOR VICTIM SELECTION: Armed Robbers Pick the Wrong Church’s Chicken As CCW Shoots Both, One Fatally

Maybe the two armed robbers at a Port Arthur, Texas Church’s Chicken thought the chain’s tasty Wild Berry Cobbler was to die for, as they old expression goes. Instead of buying one, they tried something…

VIDEO: Philly’s Mayor Becomes Gun Salesman of the Week After (Another) Lawless Weekend

Leave it to the UK’s Daily Mail to report what the American mainstream media won’t. This weekend in Philadelphia, a lawless mob literally drove donuts around a police squad car and the cops did nothing….

September Adjusted Background Checks Second Highest Ever On News of Higher Violent Crime, Start of Hunting Season

Try not to yawn at news of yet another huge gun sales month. September saw another 1,350,754 adjusted background checks, a good measure of gun sales activity. That’s far less than a year ago during…

Got Gun? How Will Public Safety be Affected by Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Terminations?

  President Joe Biden has mandated that Americans take the COVID vaccinations and he’s trying to force it upon people where ever he can. Along those lines, more and more states have plans to terminate…

Gun Prohibition Nightmare: Half of Gun Buyers Since 2019 Are Women

From the CCRKBA A report in the Wall Street Journal showing that nearly half of all new gun buyers since January 2019 are women is not surprising, considering efforts to defund police agencies, the Citizens…

She Single-Handedly Stopped a School Shooting, But It Hasn’t Been ‘Happily Ever After’ For Angela McQueen

The Illinois-based grassroots gun rights group Guns Save Life holds meetings in seven cities across Illinois each month. For the September meeting in Charleston, we welcomed local hero Angela McQueen as our main speaker. Back…