Personal Defense

Reasonable Force: ‘Did He Fire Six Shots or Only Five?’

Courtesy KOCO New By Richard Hayes You probably recognize the memorable movie lines delivered by actor Clint Eastwood: “Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this…

Personal Defense: When an Online Sale Meet-Up Goes Horribly Wrong

Shutterstock By Martha Houle Craigslist and Facebook deals are my guilty pleasure. I paid a whopping $20 for my most recent purchase: a wooden coffee table with plastic wheels. It was basically trash. But one…

Kyle Rittenhouse Self-Defense: The Truth in 11 Minutes [VIDEO]

Michael Huber reaches for Kyle Rittenhouse’s rifle after striking the teen in the head with the sharp edge of his skateboard. Screencap by Boch via YouTube For most cases of self-defense, police and prosecutors don’t…

First-Time Gun Buyer’s Guide, Fall 2020 Edition: NOW What Should I Buy?

Nick Leghorn for TTAG Rumor has it that “may you live in interesting times” is an old Chinese curse, and these are definitely interesting times. Between the civil unrest currently happening in various parts of…

Civil Liability: Even If Your Defensive Gun Use Was Ruled Justified, It May Not Be Over

Shutterstock By Rob Geiger You’ve survived the scariest moment of your life, successfully defending yourself against an attacker. You’ve also made it through an exhaustive criminal investigation, where you were exonerated after asserting that you…

Woman With a Gun Stops Deadly Knife Attack in Michigan Meijer Store

Shutterstock As we’re constantly told by some of the nation’s smartest minds (here, here, here and here), the idea of a “good guy with a gun” stopping violence and saving lives is a silly fantasy…

Why Do Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns Continue to Embrace Extremist Violence?

A mostly peaceful rioter tosses a Molotov cocktail in Portland, Oregon. (AP Photo/Noah Berger) By Larry Keane Sorry, Mayors Against Illegal Guns. We didn’t know you were still here. Mea culpa. It’s just that no…