progressive prosecutors

Settled Science: The 2020 Spike in Violent Crime Isn’t a Red State Problem, It’s a Blue City Problem

From the NRA-ILA . . . Billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group, Everytown for Gun Safety, ranks the 50 states on how well they have comported their laws to the organization’s civilian disarmament agenda. In…

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DC Police Chief Floats an Idea for Reducing Violent Crime That’s So Radical It Just Might Work

As crime continues to skyrocket in the nation’s Capitol, Metropolitan Police Department Police Chief Robert Contee has come up with a truly radical idea for addressing the problem: stop releasing criminals back onto the streets and…

McCloskeys: St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney Kim Gardner is ‘Just As Dumb As a Sack of Hammers’

Mark and Patricia McCloskey nearly lost their careers and gained felony convictions after standing up to a trespassing mob of Black Lives Matter “protesters” threatening to kill them and burn their house down. That happened…

Citizens Increasingly Turn to the 2nd Amendment as a Result of Chicago’s ‘Defund to Police’ Movement

Some folks don’t realize that in a civilized society, the police exist to protect the criminal class as much as to keep them in check. Because when government can’t or won’t stop criminal behavior, gun…

A ‘Progressive’ Prosecutor’s Lenient Plea Deal Paved the Way for the Michigan State Shooter

From the CCRKBA . . . The man responsible for murdering three Michigan State University students and wounding five others should have been behind bars, but instead was free because of a reduced charge on…

Houston DA Will Present Case of Taqueria Customer’s Defensive Shooting to a Grand Jury

The defensive gun use that was caught on security video when a Houston taqueria customer shot an armed robber last week has caused more than a little discussion about how justifiable all of the shots…

Rethinking Criminal Justice, ‘Progressive’ Prosecutors and Defunded Police Have Resulted in More Minority Gun Owners

Gun control debates conjure images of white, conservative men who collect arms for sport. Today, a new population makes up a disproportionate percentage of first-time gun owners: people of color, especially women. Like Hudson, they…

Sea Change: New York Mayor Blames ‘Progressive’ Politics, Policies for America’s Surge in Violent Crime

“We have to rebuild that trust. But we can’t rebuild that trust by allowing those who are dangerous and that have a repeated history of violence to continue to be on our streets,” NYC Mayor…