Gun Safety

New Wave of Oppression Begins for Gun Owners in New Year

While they are often billed as “common sense” and “public safety,” the gun laws passed by our government rarely achieve either. In fact, more often than not, they are merely another step toward oppressive governmental…

Mike Rowe’s Unintentional But Valuable Range Safety Tip

Mike Rowe, the well-known dirty job do-er, work raconteur and mover of the book markets, did a safety video that has application to shooters. In the video, below, Rowe describes how he and his crew…

Dems Sell Gun Control as Reducing Crime, Promoting Safety, but Data Shows it Just Ain’t So

While the Democrats’ package came partially in response to last year’s mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, researchers agree that it is difficult to measure policies’ effectiveness in reducing mass shootings. While highly visible, mass…