mexico lawsuit us gun manufacturers

Democrat AGs, Three Foreign Countries Back Mexico’s Bid to Bankrupt American Gun Makers

[Thirteen] states and the countries of Antigua and Barbuda and Belize filed separate briefs urging a federal judge in Boston to not dismiss Mexico’s $10 billion lawsuit against companies including Smith & Wesson and Sturm,…

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Allowing Mexico’s Suit Against American Gun Makers to Go Forward Would Mean Limitless Liability for US Companies

Mexico’s lawsuit proposes to circumvent the application of the PLCAA by arguing this law does not apply because the shooting crimes committed by members of Mexican drug cartels took place in Mexico. This argument, however,…

The New York Times Cherry-Picked Data to Support Story on Mexican Government Lawsuit

By Lee Williams The New York Times has seized upon a lawsuit filed by the Mexican government against six American firearms manufacturers – which even the newspaper’s own experts admit is frivolous – as if…