texas constitutional carry

The New York Times Isn’t Comfortable With the Prospect of Constitutional Carry Enabling More People to Protect Themselves

“If my research convinces me of anything,” [John R. Lott Jr.] said, “it’s that you’re going to get the biggest reduction in crime if the people who are most likely victims of violent crime, predominantly…

How Anti-Gunners Use Automotive Journalists (and Others) to Push Their Misleading Narrative

I want to share a personal story about a recent attempt by the gun control industry to deceive automotive writers into sharing anti-gun propaganda. Like most writers here, I only work part-time for The Truth…

Harper’s: The Pervasiveness of Guns in America Imposes a Heavy ‘Cognitive Load’ on Society

As I was researching permitless carry, friends and strangers alike told me their gun stories. I heard about the organist who started carrying a pistol in her purse after the Sutherland Springs church shooting, and…

China’s State-Run News Agency Is Disturbed By Texas’s New Constitutional Carry Law

Note that Michael Bloomberg’s Texas Gun Sense civilian disarmament advocacy operation (which is described as consisting of “mostly gun owners”) was only too happy to enhance the Xinhua News Agency’s anti-gun narrative with some disinformation…

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Signs Constitutional Carry and Six Other Bills To Protect Gun Rights

Governor Greg Abbott held a signing ceremony at the Alamo in San Antonio this morning to sign into law seven bills designed to extend and protect the right to keep and bear arms in the…