xavier becerra

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California Forced to Re-Open Its Broken ‘Assault Weapons’ Registration System

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . After two years of litigation over a botched computer program to register so-called “assault weapons” in California, a settlement has been reached between the state and all…

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Geist: Susan Rice Will Throw Second Amendment Rights Under the Political Bus

White House Domestic Policy Adviser Susan Rice (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) Guiding [the implementation of President Biden’s gun control agenda] will be [Domestic Policy Advisor Susan] Rice. She’ll be heading Biden’s gun control dream team. That…

BREAKING: Judge Benitez DENIES California’s Motion to Stay His Injunction in Ammo Background Check Case

Dan Z for TTAG It appears that unlike the brief period during which Californians could buy standard capacity 30-round magazines last year — a period known as freedom week — Californians may be about to…