george gascon progressive

Villanueva: Violence Puts People in Jail in Los Angeles, Not Racism

[O]n his first day in office, Gascon issued a memo listing 13 crimes that the District Attorney’s Office no longer would prosecute, including driving without a valid license, drug possession, loitering to commit prostitution, resisting arrest, and…

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With LA’s Crime Now Inconveniencing Beverly Hills and Bel Air Residents, Stances on Gun Ownership Are Changing

“’It’s gotten to a point where residents feel insecure even going from their door to their car,’ said resident Shirley Reitman. ‘A lot of residents are applying for a concealed carry weapon permit, even though…

‘Progressive’ Prosecutors Think Criminals are the Real Victims and Gun Control is for Civilians

Gun control is for civilians, not criminals. The criminal justice system should view criminals as victims. These are the guiding lights of Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon. On the same day that an…