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Washington’s Permit-To-Purchase Gun Bill Clears The House

Washington Democrats continue to drive the state into an authoritarian dystopia, this time with the House’s recent approval of their newest anti-Second Amendment measure to require a state permit to purchase firearms. Apparently, they didn’t…

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Hunting Expanded on Wildlife Refuges

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced this week that they are opening up 53 new hunting and sport fishing opportunities on approximately 211,000 acres nationwide in the National Wildlife Refuge System, a move heralded…

Supreme Court Justice’s Protective Detail Shoots Aspiring Carjacker Outside Sotomayor’s DC Residence

What happens when an 18-year-old thug brings his old, inferior S&W Sigma 9mm (but it has a laser!) to attempt a carjacking of trained U.S. Marshals guarding Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s residence in Washington, D.C.? Suffice…

New Wave of Oppression Begins for Gun Owners in New Year

While they are often billed as “common sense” and “public safety,” the gun laws passed by our government rarely achieve either. In fact, more often than not, they are merely another step toward oppressive governmental…

Texas Democrat Congressman Carjacked at Gunpoint in Washington, DC

Police activity after alleged car jacking of Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar https://t.co/0e6Dog5B3A pic.twitter.com/dLZUFodWgv — Matt VanHyfte (@MattVanHyfte) October 3, 2023 U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar was carjacked by three armed attackers but was unharmed, the Texas Democrat’s office…

St. Louis and Washington D.C. Demonstrate – Yet Again – That Gun Control Isn’t About Reducing Crime

With many prominent government officials exhibiting a flagrant indifference to violent crime, it’s getting harder for anti-gun politicians to pretend that their gun control schemes are anything other than a means to harass law-abiding gun…