good guy with a gun

Risky Business: Florida Man Intervenes to Save Pregnant Woman Being Attacked Outside Publix Store

Using force to protect third-parties poses all manner of dangers to a good guy with a gun.  Sometimes though, it’s clear to even most low-information types that force is justified against an attacker of a…

Fetid Cesspool: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Injured in Violent San Francisco Home Invasion

Thanks to wokeness on steroids, San Francisco has become a crime-infested hellhole where literally no one is truly safe. Not even in the home of the sitting Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Earlier…

BREAKING: Three Dead as Armed Resource Officers Stop a Killer In St. Louis High School

St. Louis is not Uvalde, Texas. That’s the lesson learned this morning by a 20-year-old lunatic who forced entry on the city’s Central Visual and Performing Arts High School while armed with a long gun….

BREAKING: Would-be School Massacre Stopped by School Resource Officers In St. Louis, Leaving Two Innocent Dead

St. Louis is not Uvalde, Texas.  That’s the lesson learned this morning for a 20-year-old lunatic who forced entry on the Central Visual and Performing Arts High School school while armed with a long gun. …

LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR: Good Samaritan Shoots Knife-Wielding Lunatic Who Threatened EMTs

Like a good neighbor, a gun owner is there. That’s exactly what happened in Gainesville, Georgia as a knife-wielding mental case who was “off his meds” prowled the parking lot of an apartment complex. As…

FBI Massively Understates Shooting Statistics: Analysis Show Armed Americans Stop About Half of Active Killer Attacks

The Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to tarnish its own reputation by vastly downplaying — by a factor of more than 10 — the number of incidents in which armed Americans stop spree killers. According…